Sunday, May 10, 2009

Travel in Finland - part 9

9th September 2008

It was raining when I got up at 6:30 in the morning. It rained hard, unfortunately.

First of all, I needed to do the laundry, because I didn't have any extra clothe. I went to the basement floor, where there were washing machines. But the machines were occupied.

After quick breakfast, I tried to check whether either of the machines was available. Luckily, at that moment, one machine wasn't used. Yes, I started washing. Since I selected 'quick' mode, it took 40 minutes to complete washing.

But dryers were occupied this time. Occupied by a cleaner of the hostel. He used two machines concurrently. Moreover, he used them repeatedly. I couldn't find any chance to use a dryer. Then, I complained to a receptionist about the situation. He said, 'Get out of the laundry, and use it.'

Although I was told so, I hesitated to do it at once. I checked the dryers several times whether they were still occupied or not. But occupied all the time. Fortunately, I ran into the cleaner, so I told him in English that I had to leave that day and I wanted to use it right away. He seemed like he didn't understand me, though he said, 'in 15 minutes.' That is to say, he was not good at English.

I came up with another solution. I waited in front of the washing machines! I met the cleaner again, and told him the situation with body language. He seemed to understand this time, thanks to body language. I quickly started drying clothes, but it was already 11 o'clock, and the check-out time was 12. Even though the receptionist told me that I could use it after check-out, that was troublesome because the entrance card, which I had to use it to enter the laundry room, became invalid after check-out. I gave up drying at 11:50. Socks were still wet. And I checked-out.

(to be continued)

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